November 14, 2011

Holiday Gifts: To DIY or not to DIY? Isn't that Always the Question?

Now that the holiday season is upon us it is time to start thinking about pie gifts!

Everyone in my house has finally recovered from the brutal stomach virus that moved in last Monday.  Bleh!  While I was unable to put my hands on any of my projects for the last week, my brain was still whizzing away!

I took some time to put some serious thought into Christmas gifts.  I used some of my "sick leave" to wander deep into the world of Etsy (one of my most favorite places to visit in computer land) looking for gift ideas.  I've got big plans for a handmade Christmas this year.  In my DIY dreams I will have all the time in the world to make every one's gifts myself, however, in my DIY reality I will have some time to make some gifts myself, but not quite all.  So here are some awesome creations and patterns I found in my Etsy wanderings last week {because if I can't make it myself, I take comfort in knowing that someone else out there went to the trouble - SUPPORT ETSY}.

No one likes to be cold, but at some point most of us have to venture outdoors for one reason or another during the winter months.  Of those that make the trek into the arctic air some may even have to sit outside for hours and shuffle papers, send e-mails to the office via mobile phone and write lengthy receipts (Amanda - you know what I am talking about!).  My point simply being: Everyone we know needs hats, scarves and gloves and some of us need gloves that we can still easily access our little fingers with.
Fingerless Gloves by jspirlk - $4 for the pattern.

Convertible Mittens by chicksale - $47

The Yorkshire Cowl by MegansMenagerie - $38.  Her shop is filled with warm goodness.

Leg Warmers by BlueBirdsFlyBoutique - $38
Like all of us DIYers, I like the people I love to ooh and ahh over a variety of items, so I spread my search out.  I know some ladies who would love some pretties to last all year.

Clutch by waterpath - $25

Silk Wrap Bracelet by HappyGoLicky - $49.50.  I love her designs with the definition of love or romance.  I think it would also be great to have her do a personalized design with a dandelion with the little wishes blowing off.  Ahhh, dreamy.

I also know some folks who have bare walls, screaming to be loved.

Typography Print by silvermoonprints - Adorable! Could be done yourself if you are feeling up to it, or just $8 from silvermoonprints.

Canvas Art by MedBeachStones - $24
While friends and family of the female variety always appreciate the value of a beautifully handcrafted gift, our counterparts are not always so appreciative.  Many just cannot comprehend the thought, the time and patience required to make a truly special gift and I believe it is because of this that coming up with DIY gift ideas for the men in our lives is much more difficult.
Magnetic BBQ Spice Kit by dellcovespices - $26
Photo Cufflinks by MagicMarkingsArt - $30
And of course some things would work for just about anybody and could be used just about any time of year.

Coffee Cozy by TheSunshineStitch - $14

I love taking the time to think about each person in my life and using what I know about them to come up with what I believe to be the perfect gift for them.  It is a time to show the people around you that you are paying attention.  You aren't just pulling stuff out of your gift stash {I have one - you probably do to}, you are sitting down and replaying conversations, reviewing outfits you remember them wearing, noting colors that they wear and things they have mentioned wishing they had.  

If you haven't already done it, you better sit down with some paper and a pen and start jotting down everything that comes to mind, and then - GET TO WORK!  If you don't have the time to make each gift by hand that is ok!  Just make sure it is something that as soon as you see it, you hear their name.  And when you start to feel overwhelmed, STOP!  There are always great places like Etsy to turn to when your fingers just cannot sew another stitch, your glue gun is crying out for mercy and your hands seem claw like from the constant crocheting.

For those of us with the time, patience and courage to take on such a task, any of the items that I've listed today could be DIY.  For those of us with loved ones aplenty, this might not be possible.  When I can't make it myself, I take pride in spending my money in shops like those we find on Etsy whenever possible.  Don't get me wrong, I spend my share of time at the mall and Target, but I'm never quite as excited as when I am opening a box from an Etsy shop.  There are countless gift options in Etsyland.  Use my suggestions to get the ball rolling, that helps in a land of limitless possibilities.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE YOU JEN!!! I swear we were on the same page today. As I sat at lunch looking over my list of people to buy for I thought of the item I texted you about... While you were posting this wonderful post on "Holiday Gifts" I was pressing send on my phone. haha Merry Christmas everyone! oxooxox


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