January 4, 2012

Unity Hand Wreath

Onward and upward with our lessons in togetherness and equality!

Yesterday Maia's January Countdown activity was to make a Unity Hand Wreath.  We didn't do it - BOO!  HISS!!

I was physically and mentally DONE yesterday.  I worked out with the ol' ball and chain Monday afternoon and then I went to a fabulous Bachelor premier party that night {woot woot} and when I got home I couldn't sleep {Why did I drink a Coke?  AND it wasn't even diet... ugh.}.  By the time I finally dozed off I had only a few hours of rest before I had to get Maia moving for her first day back to school.  This was exceptionally hard for BOTH of us since we had grown accustomed to waking up late {Goodbye sweet freedom!}.  So come Tuesday, my shoulders, biceps and chest were screaming and my brain was half asleep.  There was no family crafting anywhere to be found in this mama.  Please forgive me...

To make up for my lameness {and to catch up on countdown activities}, today Maia and I had to do TWO super fun crafts.  Lord help me.

Unity Hand Wreath

Uno.  Maia traced her precious lil hand 12 times and then tried to cut them out.  She was becoming very frustrated so we pulled out the Cameo and cut out 8 bigger hands.

Dos.  I wanted Maia to paint the hands so we hand flesh toned hands, Maia disagreed.  We left them as is.

Tres.  Maia made a circle out of three pipe cleaners and made a tiny pipe cleaner loop at the top {for hanging}.

Cuatro.  Mommy applied some hot glue and Maia glued the hands to the pipe cleaner "wreath" form.

Cinco.  Maia drew a heart on red paper and cut it out.

Seis.  Maia punched two holes in the top of the heart and ran yarn threw it.

Siete.  Mommy applied some hot glue and Maia glued the yarn to the back of the pipe cleaner "wreath."

Ocho.  Mommy hung the wreath.

Nueve.  Maia had a last minute "AHA!" moment and asked me to add our one left over hand to the yarn that was hanging the wreath.

Diez.  We smiled.

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