March 3, 2012

Giveaway Winner! {And a Sick Hostess *cough**sniff*}

My sweet, tiniest Ella has been sick for a week with a runny nose, fever and cough {probably a sore throat too - learn more words Ella!}.  When little one isn't feeling well she sleeps like a... like a newborn baby {meaning - NOT WELL}.  She could not sleep in her crib and often could not get comfortable sleeping on Mom or Dad on the couch.  It was a winless battle for all of us.

Thankfully she is now feeling much better!

However, lack of sleep and 24 hour contact with a sickly small person results in sickly parents and a sleep schedule which leaves much to be desired.

We've been up since 3:30 this morning.  After an hour of back and forth, our attempts at getting her {and ourselves} to sleep ended.  I have been up with my girl since 4:30 watching Sesame Street, eating dry fruit loops and drinking water {pretty sure Daddy is sleepin' now}.

In the infamous words of me...

"So, that's good."

I apparently say this in every situation and did not realize it.  Now that it has been brought to my attention I catch myself saying it pretty frequently.


I have a winner to announce!

What was up for grabs?  The pattern for this heart melting pattern.

Did you see the one I made {HERE}?

Alright, so I wasn't going to post this until noon, but seeing how I am awake I figured, why the heck not?


Meagan said...

I'm a new follower!

{chosen via}

Congratulations Meagan!

Thank you all for your kind comments and for entering!  I look forward to more of these in the future!

Since I am under the weather I probably won't get around to my coat closet transformation for a bit {hand sanitizer coated fingers crossed}. So, that's good...

Have a great {healthy} weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks!! I'm so excited and looking forward to receiving my pattern!! :)


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