April 1, 2012

April Showers Bring May Flowers {Tongue Depressor Spring Pallet Art}

Here in Seattle our "April Showers" start in... well, actually, some would say our "April Showers" don't start in April because they still haven't stopped.

I would disagree.

Yes, it does rain here in the gorgeous Northwest more than it rains in many other places, but does it rain all the time?  Absolutely not.  We have amazing summers here.  Not too hot.  Not too cold.  Perfection.  But that is neither here, nor there.

Maia wanted to craft something up last week and there was a project I had been dying to try.

U-Create made adorable mini pallets using craft sticks and canvas.  Love them!  They've got a super easy tutorial {HERE}.

I knew I had a box of tongue depressors that my mother had brought over {she works in a doctor's office} many, many moons ago and those are basically craft sticks, right?

I have a few canvases in stock, but I wasn't sure how well this project was going turn out, so for this first go round we used a piece of cardboard.  Next time I will probably use a canvas or several layers of cardboard to get a thicker base.  I would also go with smaller dimensions in the future.

Cutting the depressors was an interesting task.  Pieces of those babies were flying everywhere.  Every time I cut one I told Maia to close her eyes.  My husband almost got it a few times, and he was in the other room.  Hey, I had warned him.

Crafting can be a dangerous business.

After I cut the depressors, I hot glued them onto the cardboard and then let Maia do her thing. 

I asked her to paint a person holding an umbrella.  

She decided on her own to add a few rain drops.  They were so cute and tiny and she was being so careful.

I walked away for a minute.  A minute folks.  When I came back I discovered that there had been a monsoon.  The drops were no longer teeny weeny, she was forcefully pounding the paintbrush here and then there and then there again.  All I could do was stare {mouth agape}.

Can you spot the little drops amongst the madness?

Oh, Maia, I love you.

You probably recognize the bouquet of coffee filter flowers I made for the mantel {HERE}.

I do adore the little splashing drops, don't you?

I haven't found the perfect place for this yet.  It was on the mantel.  Then hanging by the door.  Now it is back on the mantel.  Maybe hang it on the inside of the entry door?

Yeesh.  The decisions I am forced to make each day.  

Being a craftateer is not for the weak.

Linking up to these fabulous parties:


  1. This was such a delightful post! {clicking to follow you as soon as I send this comment out!} I loved learning a little about your weather. Golly, I must be some sort of weather geek! As a Californian, I seriously thought you had rain, rain, rain. When it gets 110 here, I should come up and give your delightful climate a chance! I can so relate to turning your back for a nano-second and returning to a disaster. NOT that your sweet mini pallet project is a disaster. Quite the opposite. IT IS FANTASTIC. I love that it has traveled so many places in your home. The next time I see big, fat raindrops I am going to remember this amazing project. I hope this week gives you sunshine and rainbows... Happy Easter!

  2. It's super cute. And I wouldn't have noticed any crazy monsoon rains if you hadn't mentioned it. I really enjoyed this idea!

  3. how very cute and creative come see me at http://shopannies.blogspot.com

  4. What a creative idea {and one of my favorite color combos!} It can get quite monsoon like around here at times!
    Jenn :)

  5. I love this! I think the monsoon works. :) I'd love it if you stopped by and linked up to my party.


    I'm gonna go follow along!

  6. Love this! What a great idea and I love the blue and yellow.

  7. yay for PNW bloggers!
    just moved to portland last year so i am still adjusting to the excessive amounts of rain.
    xx jes, newest follower


  8. I remember doing something similar in summer camp as a kid, but clearly you took it to a whole different level of amazing artistry. This is such a great piece of art. Thank you for this wonderful post! I would love it if you would share this at our What’s It Wednesday blog party. Hope to see you there.



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