April 9, 2012

Our Formally Informal Easter

We had a lovely Easter.

My Husband's parents are out of town so they were not around to host this year's Easter.  Sad. We decided to offer up our humble abode to a few family and friends.

It was wonderful.

I had so much fun preparing the Easter favors and setting up our simple {but fun} Easter table.

We are pretty casual at our house, but we love hosting gatherings and I wanted this one to have a smidge of formality to it.  

I wanted us all to be able to sit at the table instead of spread throughout the house.  We don't have the room at our dining table for everyone so I improvised.

We have a folding buffet style table that I lugged up the stairs for our version of a formal Easter dinner.

How do you make a folding, plastic table look like a dining table?  You cover it up.

I don't have any rectangular table cloths since our dining table is round so I cut a strip of painter's paper and secured it to the table using tape.  I adorned the table with the adorable Easter favors I made and added a few crystal votive holders filled with an assortment of crayons {the grown ups were very excited to color on the table}.  To give it the final grown up twist I added each guest's wine glass.


It was great that the favors were able to pull double duty as the centerpiece as well.

I made these potted beauties with dollar store buckets, potting soil, tiny strawberry starters, tasty chocolate mint plants and a glittery easter egg stake from the dollar store.

I wonder if the strawberries will have a hint of chocolatey mint freshness?

The lovely white backdrop brought to you by my trusty assistant, Maia.

I hope you had a fabulous holiday weekend!

Linking up to these fabulous parties:


  1. Love the centerpieces! It would be nice if the came out with a minty taste :). I would love for you to stop by and link up at my linky party via: http://ourdelightfulhome.blogspot.com/2012/04/show-me-what-you-got-linky-party-9.html

    Mrs. Delightful

  2. Pretty! You'll be able to use those pots for so many other gathers, too. Thanks so much for sharing at The Mother Lode linky party over at I Gotta Create!
    <3 Christina


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