November 23, 2011

I'm a winner! I'm a winner!

Jen over at Tatertots & Jello puts together some awesome giveaways!  Last week she had a whole gaggle {yes, a gaggle} of giveaways and I {drumroll please} won one!  

**cue happy happy smile dance**

I was dragging my feet this morning {as usual} and just could not bring myself to exit my cozy bed and enter the real world of children and cleaning for tomorrow's festivities.  I laid there with one eye open, skimming TT&J to see if the winners to her most recent giveaways were posted.  As I scrolled down the list of lucky folks I got more and more anxious, and then ...


I jumped out of bed so fast that I almost fell into the dresser!

The FABULOUS Kendra of Key Lime Digital Designs will be transforming my blog into the next big thing come January!  I could not be more excited!  I had just been telling my husband last night about how desperately I wanted to win the blog re-design.  I must be doing something right in life because my prayers were answered!

During this season of thanks I just want to give a quick shout out to Jen and Kendra - Thank you so much for doing what you do and bringing a smile to my face {and so many others!}!

**Watch for my last minute Thanksgiving centerpiece later today.**

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