November 23, 2011

The Thanksgiving Decor Train is Leaving the Station! All Aboard!

This is it folks, last stop on the Thanksgiving craft train! Choo choo!

Part of my crafting goal on Monday was to create a low key Thanksgiving centerpiece for our Thanksgiving lunch on Thursday afternoon.  Ella Bella cooperated enough to allow me to start the centerpiece on Monday and this afternoon I was able to finish it off while my gingersnap cookies baked {for our evening Thanksgiving I was assigned the pumpkin cheesecake from this month's Bon Appetit - YUM - and it has a gingersnap cookie crust - YUM again!}.

I used one of our long, wooden serving trays that we received as a wedding gift {Thanks Amanda!} and filled it with river rocks that I bought at Dollar Tree {I used half of one bag of small and half of one bag of large rocks}.  I topped the river rocks with the three mini pumpkins that I've kept around since Halloween, and that was as far as I got on Monday.

Today I created the ADORABLE bunting, reading "thanks" on one side and "giving" on the other using scraps of muslin and my favorite Sharpie oil-based paint markers. I will probably add a few tealight candles around it for the big day.

For this year's intimate gathering this sprinkling of pizazz will do just the trick. 

Next year we are hoping to host a bigger Thanksgiving to-do and I cannot wait to go all out!

I hope you and yours have a truly blessed day tomorrow {and every day thereafter}!

As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.  ~John Fitzgerald Kennedy


  1. Great idea and it turned out great! I will be your newest follower! Come visit my blog if you get a chance :) blessings on thanksgiving

  2. Thanks for commenting on my blog :-) Thought I'd drop by and say hi.

    I love your work. It's very aesthetic and fun! And your photos - wow!

  3. I love love love it. Good job. Thank you for sharing and for linking up to last weeks show and share party. Please come back this week and share your latest project with us.

    A mommy's life...with a touch of yellow


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