December 9, 2011

We Wreath You a Merry Christmas - Part 2 - Wishing You a Minty Fresh Holiday

This wreath will leave you feeling minty fresh!

Super easy {and inexpensive} to make and it is simply adorable.  I have seen several mint wreaths this season on pinterest, but one of my favorites was THIS ONE over at Procraftination Station {cute name too}.  I had completely forgotten that she also used polka dots!  Great minds think alike!

I used 2 bags {plus a few extra from the 3rd bag} of peppermints that I bought at the dollar store.  I already had the 10" styrofoam wreath form and I already had the cutesy polka dot fabric {from my tree skirt HERE}.

I did not take any photos of the process for this one, but like many wreaths, what you see is what you get.  I just glued each mint on, around and around until I covered the form as best I could {the white shows through in most places, but I don't mind because it works fine with the white and red mints}.  I decided at the last minute to add the vertical mints around the outer rim.  If you do something like that make sure to put a nice size glob of hot glue and hold it for a good 30 seconds {I had to re-glue several this morning, but we've got it now!}.

What's coming next on We Wreath You a Merry Christmas?  SNOWBALL FIGHT!

Linking up:


  1. I have been wanting to make one of these! Great wreath!

  2. Lovin' your peppermint wreath idea. I make one using tiny clthespins with the candy still in the wraping and a green wreath. Come by and share yours at my weekly NIFTY THRIFTY TUESDAY PARTY....hope to see ya there,


  3. That's such a cool wreath! Thanks for sharing! Also, thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a sweet comment:) See you around!


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