December 8, 2011

DIY Christmas Canvas Creations

Sorry, have to take a quick break from We Wreath You a Merry Christmas to bring you this mantel update.

I have had a hard time sticking to one idea for my mantel this Christmas.  I am still not quite ready to reveal the mantel in it's entirety {since I am making changes every 5 minutes...}.

Here are a couple things I am crazy about so far:

I created these two simple pieces of art for the mantel using things I had stuffed in the ol' craft closet.  I am pretty smiley about these.

I hung this year's Christmas  photo card on the aqua piece.  Do you not love it?  So excited to send them out next week!

Check out all that texture!  

I dry brushed some teal acrylic paint on the canvas, followed it immediately with a light dusting of white sand from the dollar store for a snowy effect and to finish it off I gave it a good - awww!  The silver clip is from a pack of 6 that I found at Ross.  I have been using them to display Maia's art on the walls.  Keep an eye out for a post on that...

There's that other reindeer's buddy - I used his partner on my beady wreath HERE.  Loving the 3dimensional look on this.  The snowflakes are also from the dollar store, I believe there were 6 sparkly snowflakes in each pack.

Next I created an "oh so cute" bunting to festify a canvas print from our wedding.

And then ...

I think I'm pretty close on the rest of the mantel.  I'll be sure to post a big to-do when the timer in my head goes off - DING - it's ready!

We now return to your regularly scheduled programming - We Wreath You a Merry Christmas - stay tuned for tomorrow's post.

Linking up:


  1. Love that idea--the little red bunting looks great on your black and white canvas.

  2. Oh that bunting is so fun! neat projects:)
    Lina @fancy frugal life

  3. Love the texture you are adding to each one! I can't wait to see the rest of your mantel!

  4. Wow speechless at the letters made out of twine!!! Who would have thought??? Would love love love for you to share this at our party going on now Best, My


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