February 10, 2012

Valentine's Day Pretties for my Pretty Valentines

My little girls love to get dolled up just as much as they like to play soccer and dig in the dirt.

It occurred to me this morning that I did not have anything to give them on Valentine's Day and that this would be my last chance to make them something special {we leave for Disneyland tomorrow - lots of time for fun, no time for crafts}.

After digging through my reserves I found some pretty pink, ivory and red bits of goodness, sure to bring a sparkle to those big brown and blue eyes.

My Maia is a flashy little thing and likes to have a lot going on when hair accessories are concerned.  She will love this.

Love cabochons and have a ton because I thought for sure I would use them ALL THE TIME {this is the first time I used them...}.  I do still love them though.  Look how cute it is.

My tiny Ella loves all the attention her sparkly Toms get {if your little girl doesn't have a pair... get one!} and she loves the oohs and ahhs she hears everywhere we go when she gets gussied up in a dress.  I already tried this sweet headband on her for sizing purposes and she didn't want to take it off {but seriously Ella... take it off...}.

Again with the cabochons.  Look at that itty bitty one!  I had forgotten that I bought a bunch in a variety of colors and sizes from Pick Your Plum {If you don't know about that site... CLICK IT NOW.  They have daily crafty deals.  Love it.} in addition to the million that I already had in pink and white.

I have recently upped my button supply because I thought I had to have more.  Turns out I don't use them that much.  Bummer, because I love buttons.  So I thought of a super cute use for them... make a little rosette to fit in the middle.  Cuuuuuuute.  I am probably not the first person to think of it... or maybe I am...

So, that's it for now!

Happy Valentine's Day to my pretties and to yours!

I have to go hang out with Mickey for a few days at the happiest place on earth.  Sunshine here we come!

See you next week with my pantry reveal.  Can't wait... but I'll have to.


  1. That's pretty darn cute. Did you find a tutorial on the net?

  2. what a cute
    little rosette headband

    i am now following
    via Linky Followers
    and hope you'll visit me too!


  3. cute head band.I am now following you on Linky followers.I would love to have you follow me back. I really enjoy meeting new bloggers.

  4. Very very nice roses. i like the fabric, too, and the bit of fraying. Take care, linda


  5. Cute! I bet your little girls will love them!

  6. Both of these are very pretty! Perfect for girly girls!

  7. Cute headband! Now following you on Linky Followers. Thanks for stopping by Ourdelightfulhome.blogspot.com

    Mrs. Delightful

  8. Those are just darling. I love them! Could you share on my made for you monday linky as well? http://www.clipwithpurpose.com/homemade-wooden-tops-made-for-you-monday-link-up-3/

    1. Thanks for linking up! I hope to see you again on another Monday!

  9. Absolutely adorable!

    I hope you'll link up to my new link party!

    Mauvin' Monday at Vintage Mauve

    Jessica, your newest Linky Follower!


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