February 17, 2012

Pantry Pride {Pretty Pantry Reveal}

Remember when I told you about my revolting pantry {HERE}?  Welllll....

Of all the things in the world to be proud of, today I am proud of my pantry.

I have never {ever} been proud of my pantry.  I suppose most of us haven't.  Even an organized pantry is still just a pantry.

Today my pantry is no longer just a pantry... it is a pretty place to store food items.

It is no longer a place I think of and groan.

It is now a place that I wish I could fit myself into.

I wish my pretty pantry was visible from all parts of the house because, frankly, it is the nicest spot in my house {that makes me so happy and also so sad - one space at a time Jennifer}.

I painted the walls Surfer by Behr and the shelves Cascade White by Behr.  I used a Home Depot gift card for the paint so it cost me $0.

I bought the lazy susan, cereal containers, dry good containers, white baskets and silver container at Ikea.  They cost me roughly $57.

I already had the bread box sitting in my basement unused.

I already had the hanging shelf holding bread in a kitchen cabinet.

I already had the black basket {won it at a baby shower} and the silver tray {wedding gift}.

I spent less than $60.

I have seen some awesome room transformations for less, but I wanted what I wanted and I didn't want to wait and search for the absolute best bargains.  $60 ain't too shabby!

But, I'm not quite done.

I have ordered a can rack from overstock.com for about $20 {will be here next week} to go on that one lonesome shelf and I need to decide on curtains or just leaving the pantry open {once I take those doors off}.  Eventually the opening will be white like the shelves, but probably not until I paint the stairway.

For now I am MORE than happy with what I've got {for now}.

Linking up to these fabulous parties:


  1. What a great color! I bet it makes you smile every time you open the door! From the color...and from the organization! Great job! Thanks for linking up at The Stinky Linky Party. You made something stinky turn pretty!

  2. I love that color! And of course the organization..........I'm speechless. I organized my pantry last year and now it's back to one big mess again. Also am loving all the pretty containers. You have inspired me to get cracking. Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day.

  3. BRILLIANT! How happy you will be to unpack groceries into this lovely place! So inspiring. (my house is a depressing mess too...hard to do it ALL..especially w/ kids and all their stuff!)

  4. What a fabulous job. This is my first visit to your blog, so I took some time to browse through your earlier posts. I'm so glad I did that. You've created a really nice spot for your readers to visit and I'll definitely be back. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  5. Awesome and impressive makeover!! I love the color.

  6. I am crazy in love with what you did- the color is perfect and the organization is whoa! I have been trying to find containers like that and had no idea IKEA sold them. The closest store to us is in Charlotte which is a good drive and I've never been, so any excuse to go, would be awesome.

    I'm a new follower and love your blog already- sad I hadn't found you sooner but super happy to make you a daily read <3 I do hope you'll come visit us, we're having a giveaway too, you should enter!

  7. Wow, it's amazing what some paint can do. Such a fun space! Thanks so much for joining us in the Blog Hop! It's great to "meet you!"

  8. Hi Jennifer!!

    Thank you so very much for participating in the blog hop!
    Wishing you much success in your bloggy endeavors. Excited new follower :)


  9. I've been planning on painting my pantry for a while now. Great job! Inspirational!

  10. Awesome, I love it!!

  11. Lovely! I'd love to have you join my party...it just opened!!! Thanks LOTS! XO, Aimee

  12. I love that pantry make over, mine sure needs on badly. Thank you for the inspiration.

  13. Love the colour and those buckets you have you onions and bananas in. Great job. Hopefully I will finish mine soon.

  14. How cute!! It almost looks like a mini play market. I'd have a hard time keeping my kids out of it because they'd want to play grocery store all day! Looks awesome!


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