May 16, 2012

I have been taken over by an idea {and I want to take you with me}!

I feel guilty.

I have been a neglectful blogger, and for that I am deeply sorry.

My brain has been plagued by an idea.  A big, awesome idea.  An idea so exciting {to me at least}, that my creative moments each day have been sucked into building this idea into something real instead of crafty projects.

It will be a bit longer before I can share all the fun with you all, but I felt that I had to pop on here and let you know that I am still alive, still brilliant and still crafty.

I am looking for a few friends to help take this idea where I want it to go.

If you are interested, I'd love to talk it out with you.

I need one {or two} of each of the following:

Brilliant Baker,

Showy Seamstress,
Creator of Profound Printables.

If you fall into one of these crafty categories and are interested in hearing more, please e-mail me!

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