June 25, 2012

Summer Learning Fun

Most of you have probably forgotten who I am.  

I am sorry.  I really am.

I can tell you now that I have been working on starting an little ol' local event design business and a blog to go along with it.

It is all still very much in the works.

Feel free to check out my progress over at By J Rachelle, really not much to see yet.  She will be up and running at full speed in July {I am shooting for July 1, but that is creeping up on me real quick}.

But enough about that!

I am sitting here with my big kindergarten graduate working on a workbook I printed for her.

I joined education.com to have access to all of their worksheets and workbooks.

Source:  Education.com

I chose several of their 1st grade workbooks, 6 of them I think, and printed them out.  To give her a nice blend of different types of activities I broke up the workbooks and put several pages from each into our own worksheet bundles.  I then organized the bundles by level of difficulty.

We are about half way through the first bundle of worksheets.  So far the worksheets have been challenging, but not so difficult that she is getting frustrated.

I highly recommend checking out education.com.  You can pay for individual workbooks or worksheets or you can sign up for a membership to have unlimited access to all of their learning activities.  I think I paid around $30 for a 6 month membership and it has been well worth it!

What do you have planned to keep your child's brain from melting over the summer?


I love reading your comments and respond to each and every one by e-mail {make sure you are not a no-reply commenter - that makes me sad}. Get to commenting!