November 25, 2011

Ariana's Sweet Shoppe Birthday {A Little Something to Entertain Until I Return From the Mountains on Sunday}

In October my sister put together a sweet shoppe birthday party for my darling niece, Ariana.

It was a big hit with the kiddos {and the grown-ups, but don't tell anybody}, I mean, look at all this loot!

And you HAVE to love this cake that I made for my sweet little Bia.  My sister sent me a link of what she wanted it to look like {check it out here} and I delivered!

We did have one minor candle blowing incident...

My daughter, Maia, is to Ariana's right and as you can see here the candles are being blown out by her, not the birthday girl.  This put a damper on the spirits of the birthday girl.  She finally emerged from her bedroom...

... but her candle blow out was a little bit "ho hum."  As you can see Maia is in glumsville because she got in trouble for blowing out Miss Ariana's candles.  Oh, birthday drama!

Here are a few other shots of the birthday set-up.  

What a great party it was!  Birthday parties around here are done big and require complete family cooperation.  Put us all together and we do a great job!

We love us some Ariana!

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