November 26, 2011

Recyclables Turned Christmas Accents

Sometimes it pays not to recycle!  Well, I suppose it really only pays not to recycle if you are going to find a new purpose for said recyclables.  Reduce, reuse, recycle!  We are a "go green" family and proud!

I had set aside a few empty, glass bottles over the last week in hopes of coming up with a brilliantly crafty way to use them.  I wanted color and texture in different shapes and sizes and that is what I got!  I love my new Christmas accent candy!

These are simple to make, but a little time consuming {perfect for an evening with a glass of red wine and your favorite movie playing in the background}.  I spent about an hour on the aqua bottle and the snowman {to DIE for - use an unopened bottle of wine and this baby is a great holiday party host gift or neighbor gift!} and I'm not sure how long on the red, must have been at least two hours {I had a lot of distractions during that one - kids...}.

I love picture tutorials and I am certain you must too {?}.  Would you like to learn how to make these handy photo collages?  Check out Kendra's easy peasy step-by-step tutorial over at Key Lime Digital Designs.  I am a collage fiend now!  Someone stop me!

I love when my projects turn out even better than I had hoped!

Check back tomorrow for the unveiling of my re-purposed, baby food jar, candle chandelier!

Homemade Gift Ideas


  1. Awesome repurposing, Jennifer! Thanks for stopping by and commenting today. It's so nice to "e-meet" you! I'm your newest follower and look forward to seeing more of your creativity! :)

    Have a great week!


  2. These are great decorations! I'm particularly in love with the wine bottle snowman! I've got some left over white felt and some empty wine bottles! I think I just found myself a project!

  3. Love the cute!

  4. Those are super adorable. LOVE the snowman one. so cute.
    I love your blog. I'm your newest follower.
    Would love to see you DIY Home Sweet home.

    P.S. I have a linky every Monday. Would love for you to stop by and link up.

  5. What great ideas! This is fabulous! I am having a Christmas Linky Carnival and would love for you to link up!

  6. I love these! And I love that you made them from recyclables! So clever and cute!

  7. They look absuloutely brilliant! Your newest follower, Karima

  8. Excellent ideas! The bottles remind me of my super crafty and thrifty grandmother who turned beer bottles she picked up off the side of the road into the three wise men! I am your newest follower! Thanks for stopping by my blog this week and commenting on my bag!

  9. What an awesomely creative idea! So fantastic and so festive. Would you please share this with our readers for Fun Stuff Fridays linky party?


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