December 3, 2011

Ruffled Tree Skirt {Holiday Cheer Jerker}

For the last 7 days I have been in a Christmas craft stupor.

I have lived, breathed and slept Christmas creativity.

For 7 days my brain has been a jumble of idea after idea after idea and my fingers have made every attempt to keep up {a task which is simply not possible}.

I have started project after project {a few have been set aside temporarily due to "creative differences," I am still knee deep in many and thank goodness at least a few have been completed} and a portion of my being still believes there is time to start more {my tired eyes and aching back have yet to be convinced}...

I am finally ready to unveil the first project I have completed this week and it is not the baby food jar chandelier that I had promised last week {don't ask... "creative differences"}.

We had used a horrifyingly plain tree skirt for the last few years {I believe I found this aww inspiring piece at Walgreens during a last minute "WE NEED A TREE SKIRT" craze} and I knew that this year it just wouldn't fly.

Rebecca over at The Crafted Sparrow created the cutest ruffled tree skirt HERE {great tutorial}.  When I first saw it I just assumed it would be too difficult and there would be no time to make one of my own and I kept browsing.  When I came across it a second time I took a closer look and decided "Hey - I can do this!"  She made it sound so easy!  And it was pretty simple, however, it was very time consuming!  It took me several nights of staying up later than my eyes desired, but I got it done.  As soon as the last strip of fabric hit that last glob of scalding glue I popped that baby under the Christmas tree, and stood in silent adoration of my latest accomplishment.  Had anyone else in the house been awake to witness it, I am certain that my face was lit all aglow {oh how I wanted to wake Maia up!}.

I am a fan of the frayed look, but it isn't for everyone.  You could easily stitch these strips up if you didn't want the fraying {and honestly the project would probably be faster if you just sewed the whole shabang}.

I used the same color scheme that Rebecca used since we are also celebrating a red, aqua and white Christmas this year.  The colors are so cheerful!  Very appropriate for inspiring holiday cheer!  I smile each time I walk past our little tree {partially because the adorable ruffles and bright, happy colors would draw a smile from even Scrooge himself and partially because I MADE THAT!}.

Now that I have awoken from my Christmas craft coma, I promise to post my work as fast as my typing fingers will allow.  Tomorrow {yes this time I really do mean tomorrow} I will share my shabby chic, scrap wood tree.  Eeeeeeee!!

Linking up:


  1. Wow love the color combo!!! I'm gonna make one for my tree! Thanks!

    Found you on TT&J and I'm now following! :) I would love for you to come by and link this up and any other projects you have on my new "Create and Inspire" linky party! ;)

    Angie From A Little Inspiration

  2. Turned out amazing! Great job! Love the burlap in it too! ;D Thanks for sharing it with me!

  3. Very pretty. I am a fan of frayed edges too. And I have a huge crush on aqua or turquoise these days. Love it for the holidays.

  4. I love the ruffles!!! So great and brilliant :)
    Lina @ Fancy Frugal life

  5. It is beautiful and I love the color combo!

  6. Visiting from The Crafted Sparrow. Your tree skirt turned out great! I love how full yours turned out. I also made one referencing the tutorial, but my colors are very different. Check it out if you'd like!

  7. Looks AMAZING. I am in love with those raw edges. And the color is fabulous.
    I have a giveaway going on right now WOuld love you to stop by and enter.


  8. This is FABULOUS! I love the colors you used- they are gorgeous! Thanks for linking up to Strut Your Stuff Saturday! We hope that you will come back tomorrow and share more of you amazing ideas!
    Camille @
    PS I am your newest follower!

  9. wow I love this tree skirt :o)

  10. How absolutely ADORABLE! You have me staring at my plain white skirt now thinking up ways to jazz it up. :-)


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