December 7, 2011

We Wreath You a Merry Christmas - Part 1 - Have Yourself a Beady Little Christmas

I want wreaths, wreaths and more wreaths this year!

There are so many unique, eye-catching ideas out there {not your Grandma's wreaths!} and I want to create as many of them as I can!  

My favorite English teacher always said, "honor the direction and take your own," - meaning - I will give you some basic direction, but from there you must make it your own and find your own way.  I have taken on several Christmas crafts this year that were originally a fellow crafter's idea.  However, once I got started {I'm sure it works this way for you too} I found that as I tweaked something here and there and used a different material over there and used this instead of that, I ended up with something truly unique.  This has, as expected, been the case for my series of wreaths.

Part 1 - Have Yourself a Beady Little Christmas

When I started this wreath I honestly had no idea where I was going with it.  I wasn't basing it off of any design I had seen or any vision I had had ... I was just going with it.

I grabbed a 16" styrofoam wreath form from my stash, a strip of red burlap, 6 or 7 turqouis bead garlands from the dollar store and my magical hot glue gun.

I started wrapping the burlap and gluing it here and there as I went.

Next I cut the beaded garlands and started wrapping and gluing them tightly around the burlap wreath  {this of course took me far longer than I had imagined in my purdy little head - so be patient}.

Once that was done I searched through my dollar store stash and found a pretty little glittered reindeer to add as a blingy embellishment {I got 2 reindeer for $1, so watch for the other guy in another project}.

Finish it off with a strip of burlap to hang and - Holy Snowballs Santa!  We've got ourselves a wreath!

Next time?  Part 2 - Wishing You a Minty Fresh Holiday.

Linking up:


  1. Love this Jennifer! So cute...great idea!

  2. SO cute and love the colors! I would love for you to come link up today over at! Your newest fan!!

  3. Your wreath is darling! I love the beads! And the colors! Ok, I pretty much love everything about it! I found you through Someday Crafts. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Love it!!! I want some beads now!

    I found you on TT&J and would love for you to come by and link this up and any other projects at my Create and Inspire Party.. I'm giving away a $25 Gift Card to Micheal's if interested! ;)

    I'm following and looking forward to your new posts!

    Angie from A Little Inspiration

  5. This turned out beautifully! Well done!

  6. So stinkin' cute!! I'm lovin' the turquoise. Nice job! Thanks for sharing. xoxo

  7. I just had a friend make one like this but with yarn wrapped. I like the beads, too. On my to-do list for next year.

  8. I'm featuring this project you linked up tonight.. at my blog! Thanks for linking up.. Hope you can come by tomorrow for another awesome PARTAY!


  9. This is genius! I have gold beads which I had no idea what to do with, until now!!

  10. This is so cute! And I love the colors you used. I can never get enough glitter either :)


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