December 4, 2011

Shabby Chic, Wood Scrap Christmas Tree

There has been a pile of cedar scraps by our back door for over a year.  Rarely do I go in or out of that door, but when I do I think my soul cringes.  Blech!  Get this crap outta here!!

Well folks hold onto your seats, this might sound strange.  Last week I came across the most precious wooden angels over at organized-living-solutions made HERE {yet another great tutorial - great work Jutta}.  I was thinking to myself that I could find the supplies to make a few when I spotted that AWESOME tree in the background of a few of her pictures, and at that moment I was elated that I had a pile of crap in my backyard {yep, never thought I'd say it - elated}.

After my dentist appointment {yet another "Blech" moment} I went straight to the backyard and started digging through the pile, pulling my favorite dirty, spider-webby, wet pieces of cedar.  I swept as much grime off as I could and brought those puppies inside to dry a bit.  My husband came home for lunch and I am sure he was wondering what his crazy wife was up to now.  He is getting used to my madness... I think...

AnyCindyLouWhoooo {teehee}, Jutta didn't have a tutorial for her scrap tree so I will include a few insider tips.

1.  Make sure your wood is as dry as possible.

2.  Paint each piece before you assemble the tree.

3.  If you do not have one piece long enough to make up the entire tree's trunk, make sure to add stabilizing pieces.

I wish I had some more pictures, but the natural lighting in my living room leaves much to be desired so I find myself not taking many.

At any rate, the madness often results in something which adds charm and character to our home... maybe that is why he accepts it.

The ornaments are made using 3" embroidery hoops and scraps of assorted fabrics and/or ribbon.  The beaded turquoise garland is from the Dollar Tree.

Next on the agenda -  We Wreath You a Merry Christmas!  Keep an eye out for the bit by bit reveal of my wreath display masterpiece.

Linking up:


  1. Oh my!! This is fabulous. I think I'm going to have to dig through our scrap wood later. Thank you for the idea.
    I have a giveaway going on right now WOuld love you to stop by and enter.


  2. I love it! Especially the decorations! May attempt a smaller one with clothes pegs...Kid craft I think! Thanks for the inspiration.


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