April 26, 2012

The 5 Musts of Party Planning

I love party planning.

I love the brainstorming, the crafting, the intricate attention to every detail.  All of it.

My love for party planning always leads me straight down the path to insanity.

But, I still love it.

Over the next 3 days I am going to reveal what remains of my Harry Potter party projects and on day 4 I shall unveil my masterpiece.

This is my baby.

This is the first party that I have put together that makes me think I might have lost my mind.

But, I still love it.

Are you as crazy about party planning as I am?  Or maybe you aspire to be?


Start brainstorming months in advance.

If this seems crazy to you, then you aren't ready for a party like this.

Depending on the size of your gathering and the complexity of your theme, you will likely need at least one month for the crafting portion.

Plan your time wisely.


Make sure you choose carefully.  No pressure.  The right theme should have you buzzing with ideas.

You will know you have chosen wisely when you can't sleep at night because brilliant idea after even more brilliant idea keeps creeping in...


This is something that is new to me and I'm still not very good at it.

It has to be done.

Hopefully you have a wonderful pool of friends and family that you know well enough to have some insight into their craft skill level.

Early on set aside a few party tasks that you feel comfortable handing off.  Make sure you hand out assignments in the early stages of planning.

Over time it gets easier... I promise.


As the big day approaches you will discover a lengthy list of things that have to be done and realize you have fallen behind.

It is inevitable.

You will be tempted to stay up late, crafting until your fingers bleed.


Get to bed at a decent hour every night.  If you start pushing it you will start to hate your precious party baby.  Once your feelings start to sour it will only get harder to get everything done.


During the final week of prep time make a list of everything that remains to be done.


No task is too small for this list.

Evaluate all that remains and then...

...accept that you will not have time to do it all.

Stick with the projects that you can't live without.  If there is anything on the list that isn't a major component to your theme then let it go.

No one has to know.

Be sure to check out the rest of my Harry Potter party posts.  

Linking up to these fabulous parties:


  1. I am SO excited to see your Harry Potter party! I'm only slightly obsessed. :) I love party planning too, and have recently started seriously planning my daughter's 2nd birthday! So fun!

  2. I have decided that I have a problem as well and am in over my head. Is there a 12 step program for this?

  3. Awesome tips! I loooove party planning and start months in advance too =)

  4. Organizing a party can be stressful, especially if you are the designated host. But planning your party ahead of time can save you from hassles and stressful last-minute preps. This can also give you more time to choose the theme, the venue, and other party details.

    (Roslyn Housel)


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