April 30, 2012

A Harry Potter Birthday Reveal

Maia's Harry Potter inspired birthday party finally arrived yesterday!

I think everything turned out pretty darn well.

I can say that without my Silhouette Cameo, a whole lotta this just wouldn't have been possible!!

If you are a party planning gal like myself or you just craft like crazy, you absolute have to invest in one of these.  Follow their blog to keep up with their great ideas, free shapes and deals.  They did not ask me to say any of this!!

I cut all of the letters for my small pennant bunting using my Silhouette.  I would have used it for the letters on the Happy Birthday bunting as well, but my blade had gone kaput and the replacement hadn't arrived yet.  Visit my other Potter party posts {see below} to see how I used the Silhouette on my other projects.

The cake toppers were a huge hit.  Obviously.  Look at them!

My mom made them.  Crafty brilliance is in the blood.

The gorgeous mirror I attached the goody bags sign to didn't have one of those standy up things on the back.  My dad tracked down a piece of wood.  Thank goodness we were at a heavily wooded, waterfront park.

These goody bags are simply dollar store lunch sacks with super cute tags glued on them.

Pyramid O' Frogs.  You can read more about these sweet treats {HERE}.

Endless rows of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans.  More on these {HERE}.

The kids got all of their wizard necessities here at Ollivanders.  Try not to be distracted by the gorgeous water view in the background.  

I know you haven't forgotten my way too cute felt Hogwarts' ties.  I think these were my favorite part.  So hard to choose.  I loved seeing all the little ones running around with them on.  You can check out my tutorial {HERE}.  Or you can skip the headache and buy a set in my Etsy shop.

Every wizard has to have a wand.  Kind of crucial to the whole magic thing.  

I made these little numbers.  

Crazy right?  

Forty wands.  Every single one is different in some way.  

I am not posting a tutorial on these because I loosely followed directions I purchased from Instructables for less than $2.  You can purchase their instructions {HERE}.  Don't want to step on any creative toes.  I did tweak the process here and there, so if you are going to make your own and want some tips - contact me!

Here is where everyone ate:

The book table.

The owl table.

Or, of course, the broomstick table.

And what did they eat, you ask?

How could one decide?  I had a Malfoy.  It was delightful.

All of the letters are thanks to Silhouette, of course.

Wash it down with a little Luna Lovegood Lemonade.  Yes please.

We also had Butterbeer {root beer with awesome labels attached}, but I didn't get a picture.  Major disappointment.

We also had a Potter Pasta Salad {a delicious contribution by my mother-in-law}, but I missed a picture of that too.  It hadn't arrived yet when I was rushing around with the camera.  Poo.

My one nose scruncher about how this all turned out?  

I wish I had spent more time on the food table set up.  I thought of the cute little names and made the labels and the awesome The Three Broomsticks bunting {I wish I had a picture of the adorable tiny brooms that separate each word}, but I didn't take the time to think about the  look as a whole.  I was pretty bummed about that.


Little bit chaotic.  Kind of takes away from the awesomeness.

Next time.

{Don't tell me not to beat myself up over it... you can't stop me.}

Visit my other Potter party posts for a closer look at some of the details.

Thank you so much for joining the party!

{I can finally breathe.}

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Linking up to these fabulous parties:


  1. Wow! You did such a amazing job! Can you be my Mom? I'd love to have a super cool party like this!

  2. WOW well done. A lot of creative thought went into this part. Love the cages with owls, the wands, everything. Thanks for linking up. winks, jen

  3. You did an amazing job on this!! I would love a party like this for myself! :) Now you can start working on the next party! ;)

  4. So cute!! You did so good on every detail, it is all so adorable!

  5. I think it turned out great. I love Harry Potter and my friends and I have had two HP themed parties already...switching it up a bit every time. LOL


  6. Jennifer! You rock, girl! What a fun party! And those cake figurines are perfect. You've got some serious skills!

  7. Love it all!! You did great!!

  8. Oh my goooooooodness, this looks amazing! You did a fantabulous job!!!

  9. Excellent Party! The ties and cake were my fav..so cool!

  10. What a wonderful party!!! I am sure the birthday girl was very happy.
    a lot of work, but so brilliantly done!
    thanks so much for visiting my blog and for your lovely comment on my cupcakes, got me to visit you.
    i like what i see and am following you now on gfc. would be honored if you would like to follow back, but no hard feelings if not :-).
    looking forward to reading more from you

  11. What a fun Harry Potter inspired party. Great ideas!

  12. Great party... love all the details!

  13. I absolutely love this! I'm such a huge harry potter fan (it's a whole tag on my blog haha). I hope you'll link this up at my party over at http://raegunwear.blogspot.com/search/label/WWWMW

  14. THat is just awesome!
    You can see how much work went into making the party a success - excellent job! Thanks for linking up this week!
    Stacey of Embracing Change

  15. Cute party! SO fun! Smiles, Jill

  16. great job! Love the wands and ties!

    hugs! Kim @ Party Frosting!


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